Publication name: Stochastic simulation of daily streamflow sequences using a hidden Markov model Authors names: Douglas Pender, Sandhya Patidar, Gareth Pender and Heather Haynes Journal Name: Hydrology Research Date of Acceptance and Publication: April, 2015; May 2015 Figure 6(h): Probability density (HMM-GEV) of observed discharges and range of synthetic sequences of River Lud Outputs: Probability density (HMM-GEV) of observed discharge and range of synthetic sequences Methodology: Stochastic modelling by Hidden Markov Model (HMM) with generalised extreme value (GEV), here referred as HMM-GEV (Coles, 2001; and Eq. 4 in the paper) Input data/source: Observed daily discharge (Q) from following gauging station: Gauging station ID: River Lud: 29003; Station name: Louth Gauge maintained by: Environment Agency (EA), England ( Output description: Column 1: Logarithm (10-base) of daily discharge in m3/s Column 2: Probability density (HMM-GEV) of daily recorded discharge of River Lud Column 3 to 102: Probability density (HMM-GEV) of synthetic discharges of 100 sequences